About Me

Art is the interpretation of an archetype, an archetype is the consumption of properties, properties are the bias of possibilities, possibilities are limited by circumstance. Interpretation is the mirror that follows this rule and I am here to vanquish anything that racially delays such things by swerve of opinion.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Law of African Descent in Japanese Animation

One drop rule,
Regional basis

One Drop rule, Light Skin people with an African American mother, is recognized and treated equally stereotyped and oppressed as their Dark Skin brethren, at least in general consensus.

Regional Basis, i.e. Brazil, Venezuela, South America, Europe, East Asian, equaling “not black” when in general Consensus, and that of Recent Demographics, and mainly thanks to the slave trade centuries ago, African Diaspora has led out to South America, Europe, there are African Descent in East Asia and Venezuela, many in the Caribbean, this will explain characters of Eddy Gordo and Christie Moneterio of Tekken (3 and up) Fame, along with Vannessa (European) from Virtua Fighter 4 and up Fame, Foxy (Venezuelan) of KOF2k1 fame, along with many other characters.
Perennial Dictum.
“White people are in lots far greater than Black people in Japan, which is why Blacks aren‘t shown”

This is a misguiding statement, for what should really be.
Japan, has been, and is widely agreed upon, for many years until only a few years recently, to be very Homogenous, often apt to many articles citing them, or even to actual footage of restaurants, soup bars, and many other personal, yet public places, being banned from all foreigners, that in turn, requires the assistance of a Japanese Acquaintance.
If any needs actual footage of this phenomena email me, and I’ll gladly attach a note with the specific reporter’s name who captured the footage, I also have it saved to the computer, if one isn’t capable of streaming video, or a bad internet connection.
“She’s not black, she’s Ganguro”

A misleading statement, for what should really be, what inspired Ganguro, this is often divided into two things, America’s impression, often of white, male and females of 16-27 who consider it to be a representation of white women tanning in the beaches of California, whilst Japan itself has published in one its magazines I believe called Fruits, citing that this may of been inspired by the many African American singers and prominent names in this country of the former African descent, which isn’t too far from many of the J-rap, J-R&B that has been inspired in Japan from much of the modern hip-hop culture, which is, in many Japanese minds, frowned upon, for imitating Afrocentric Norms of African Americans.

Many examples of Ganguro run the gamut from Tenchi Fame, Mihoshi, as well as many Elves, Record of the Loddess War, more prominently Berserk, which shows many characters of a phototype around that of levels of 5;6, 6;6, phototypes found only in those of Sub Saharan Africa itself, in other words representing the majority, than those of, also widely agreed upon to this day, African, Negroid peoples, the Berbers, Modern Egyptians, and so on, of more a Creole of Asiatic and African descent, mixing and migrating over the years, now recently with others who come to the country, in upper Africa, which widely isn’t accepted or represented in Japanese Animation Norms.

Note: Phototype is a skin complexion level divided into 6 agreed upon complexions in comparison to the melanin, the lowest being usually that of natural red hair and blue eyes, hence the lack of melanin, the highest being someone of the Nuba tribe in Africa, Etc. The lower the Phototype, the harder it is to actually tan brown, or shades of brown, which has been vastly disputed over to if people are all actually lighter shades of brown, which wouldn’t explain why this isn’t reflected in the blue eye phenomena as the retina is exposed without the melanin and shows the blood running through, or in it, as it is agreed upon, blood until reaching oxygen, is in fact, blue, green is merely a slight variation, that mixes with other colors, and so on, with other reasonable eye colors.

I have found many problems among the African American community among the gamut of Portrayals, many results, keying in a search engine on “She’s not black” alone, devoid of anime got well over 1,200 results, so using key names, such as anime characters would be far a greater range of skepticism among the Caucasian community and those who agree to their view.
“She’s not/He’s not even human, she’s Dwarf, Demon, Elf, etc” Dictum
This is also a misleading view, often apt to bring up the Japanese’s culture differences and creativity, in which, in part, would be considered a form of naive art, which is contradictory, as many Japanese run the gamut of by far some of the most symbolist tones, in almost every medium, in form of Art and Entertainment.
Aisha of Outlaw Star fame is a prominent example of this, along with many Non-human characters, that are often agreed upon, at least geologically speaking, African Descent, of either some form of Ethiopian descent, African descent, or any of their surroundings, it is also important to note the Aeta of Taiwan are the original inhabitants who have wide noses, dark skin, tightly coiled hair, and is popularly known to that they agree upon being “Black” and recognize themselves as such, that Aisha could be considered African in one of those contexts. This has often relegated Black people in general, regardless of area or current region of birth, to being relegated into a fictional purpose. Often using Blacks from Brazil, or over seas to use us in a different life while simultaneously construing the stereotype of us in USA as blacks you’ve seen in old and recent anime. This is also led to many discussions among forums that are ultimately shut down by an idealistic, white, and often, in many cases black, moderator, who finds the habit of seeing color vulgar, yet simultaneously turning his or her head to the neglect of one, which I find, personally, quite disappointing to be honest.
Now that is all for now, I want to get this out there and see if any of you will reply to this, if you have any questions or comments feel free to Email me.
The law of Black Anime Construction.
One drop rule, using similar features found in many of those mixed to put us into a category, one can use, conversely to a character that doesn’t have much an explanation in an anime that you are certain emulates, a false stereotype of their actual nationality, and denies the rightful owners respect as to be portrayed properly by them. Nadia could be a prominent example of this.
Blue eyes, Blonde hair, this is also of odd construction, As dark skin characters sport blue eyes and blonde hair, even ones meant to be stereotypically depicted, example, the general from Xenosaga, as well as the general in one of the more recent Transformers renditions. The constant denial of rending assunder, these depictions has led to many Whites denying Blacks over forums and many conversations alike, in great numbers, to claiming characters naturally based on them, as it can be easily said,
“Cloud is white” - FFVII
“Haren is black” - Magna Carta: Crimson Stigmata
“Cloud isn’t from European decent, in a fictional setting”
“Haren isn’t a from African descent, in a fictional setting”
Cloud is still considered White.
End Note.
Beginning Section
Recognizable Black Characters.
Mishoshi, The many dark skin characters in both Falcoon and Hyung Tae Kim artworks, Haren, Vannessa, Eddy, Foxy, Christie, Urd
The law of African Diaspora
The law of inherited ignorance
The law of Asian Symbolism
The law of Asian understanding
The law of compare and depicting
Africans spread out throughout the world, planting seeds of genetics in many areas, from Asia, to Europe, to Middle East, to South America and North, among others. Making both them, and their genetics prominent, in real life, and fantasy portrayals, based off another’s Nationality, not race, i.e. Brazilian, Venezuelan, etc. It should also be noted, one’s race itself is used in a similar manner i.e. Mexican, Hispanic, Native American - regardless of what the former is mixed with, with African blood.

Inherited Ignorance is used to describe Asians who still sell and buy Blackface related products, or using them as mascots for products, i.e. toothpaste. Also in many Anime, usually depicting the same features of lips and dotted eyes, over a different skin color, usually inhuman in color i.e. green, blue, also depicts something not human at times as well.
The law of symbolism, Asians have been symbolist for years, from portrayals of ancient history in many forms of media, to parades. This delves into most things they do, especially stories, as they are often apt to be depicting something else.
Ganguro is believed to be based off Africans, this is the Asian understanding, what people in other places do is try to relate to Asian beliefs and come up with definitions as to what and how they work, from their media to everyday life.


tasku said...

I think you got a lot of good points.

Unknown said...

Most of this, I will admit, was way over my head. But I see your point when you mentioned [in the blog and also through IM] about the complete change of complexion, like with Vanessa Lewis.

battleangel said...

The article was interesting. You sound like my teacher in my African Diaspora class. It would have been better if you went more in depth though about the portrayl of black anime characters rather than present us the history of black peoples throughout the world although it was enlightening...

I would like an article that compares and contrast the characteristics of dark skinned characters and their similarities to their lighter skin counterparts. Also it would be delightful to have the japanese perspective on such a disscussion like direct qoutes from japanese people.

The topic of African or Black people in anime is really interesting and not often disscussed. Another topic that I would love to go deeper into is how the japanese perceive themselves in anime and why do they feel it so necessary to portray "white" looking characters.

With that said I love anime! And I'm an otaku forever!


Anonymous said...

Since you're image-linking directly to my site, can you also place a link in your post to the article that you got it from, since we're talking about similar issues?



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