About Me

Art is the interpretation of an archetype, an archetype is the consumption of properties, properties are the bias of possibilities, possibilities are limited by circumstance. Interpretation is the mirror that follows this rule and I am here to vanquish anything that racially delays such things by swerve of opinion.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


King of Fighter's Foxy

Venezuela: African population: 7%

Demographic of Columbia:

Africans (Slaves)
European Immigrants

Mixing in this country has been encouraged, however to be ported to Venezuela is a question of subjection and what, (In consideration to how dark) A Mestizo person is, who if anything, is the primary mix of Africans and Indigenous Colombians, and whether or not she was ever mixed in the first place.

Misleading first photos, profile artworks, actual phototype in-game.

With that into consideration, her dark photo type shows very little in lieu of mixing in combination with the fact that she couldn’t of been too diluted to show any prime distinctions. For not being African that is.

Mestizo, Diego Armando Maradona

The Africans at the time, were brought as slaves, mainly on the coastal lowlands, which just so happens to be the place of port, to where the population migrated in some numbers to Venezuela, from the coastlines.

There is some impediment as to the fact, slaves where brought up until the 19th century, abolition followed shortly after, as well as the movement to mix Afro Columbian/Latin people with indigenous Colombians in the Mestizaje movement.

Mestizo, Porfirio Díaz

However the national movement refers to people of Mixed European and Indigenous Non-European ancestry. It mainly applies to the mixed European and Indigenous Amerindian, however, this could just be a common observance in that Mestizaje could of applied to Afro Colombians and Indigenous at some point in time separately in its own isolated movement.

Notice the size of the Lips, even the jawline if necessary.

Whichever was the proper movement and/or situation. Those of general Mestizo are far too light, being the majority of Amerindian and European, as compared to the much more, breathable concept of Indigenous Colombians and Afro Colombians.

However even still, with Foxy’s dark Phototype, it may just very well mean, that due to abolition being so close to this movement, obvious, apparent generation gaps could of easily lead to an out flourish of freed slaves, especially close to the coastlines in which they were generally shipped and probably stayed in majority, to migrate, in percentages to Venezuela, as purebred Africans freed from slavery.

Ironically, in tales of plot norms, and cliche', the "Brown" one dies in the story.

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