About Me

Art is the interpretation of an archetype, an archetype is the consumption of properties, properties are the bias of possibilities, possibilities are limited by circumstance. Interpretation is the mirror that follows this rule and I am here to vanquish anything that racially delays such things by swerve of opinion.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Vanessa Lewis

Vanessa Lewis: Is a European security guard, who was adopted by a man who led her into a profession that would eventually lead her to be somewhat of a Bodyguard. She is featured in Virtua Fighter’s 4th of the series as the first Female Black character.

In 2002 Virtua Fighter released a revamp of its formal title, with the debut of Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, it touched down American shores on the date of August 13th, 2003, an year later after it was already in Japanese homes.

With this, Vanessa experienced a wardrobe edit, that neglected to include her default outfit.

Whereas everyone had two, a norm in 3D forms of this genre, she was only shown in all aspects of the game, regardless of what could be done by lieu of progress (Or Gameshark/Action Replay), in her 2P outfit, a set of Camouflage military wear, that mirrored her security guard outfit with the formerly mentioned patterned as a skin.

Her formal outfit was that of what one would wear along the lines of realistic Vale Tudo, the style she represented in-game to players to use.

This included a simple two piece spandex outfit that made it easier to grabble, and in realistic incarnations, wouldn’t let loose fitting clothes obstruct ability. It mirrored her fighting mechanic, the way her 2P outfit mirrored her profession; Now her in-game edited skin as her default wear.

In recent Incarnations Vanessa has seen some complexion change, as well as a change of physique going against her more realistic portrayal in former outlets of the series.

Her eyes are seen as green, whereas she shows no other affiliation of race, and her hair as white, typical abstract colors for Japanese Media.

With this, the game offers in game customizations, both her, and the other character of African heritage now - in conjunction to being lighter overall.

Have a edit of skin, for the first time tagged as “White” where the body resembles that of someone near Caucasian or to represent them in a different light, in this case, literally.

Counter: Other characters of the series, all of them of a Phototype at a gauge of 1-2.5 have the ability to get “Sunburned” skin. Whereas this could be seen as fair trade, this could just as easily, be seen as, with juxtaposition of both characters of African Heritage getting lighter, an inability or hindrance to claim, or portray that not either one of these two characters are capable of a tan, or more ideally - able to be shown in the original concept they were started out with in Debut.

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