About Me

Art is the interpretation of an archetype, an archetype is the consumption of properties, properties are the bias of possibilities, possibilities are limited by circumstance. Interpretation is the mirror that follows this rule and I am here to vanquish anything that racially delays such things by swerve of opinion.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Tekken Movie, Christie portrayed as a white woman is an outrage. Craig Marduk, portrayed as a white man, another desperate attempt in Amerikkka


What seems to be once.

http://www.opcotours.com/packages/rioafro/rio1.jpg Yes, actual Afro(African), you know, the upside down boot continent? Brazilians.

Also portrayed as
http://www.mandinga.org/shared/tekken%20copy.jpg These two in anime esque adaption. Have degraded into this for at least one of them.http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a274/Mecha_Tiger7/Tekken/Christie%20Monteiro/920588_20041015_screen003.jpg Showing custom themes, many of which include afros and braids unlike other characters who aren't pure and simple "Black" in the text. Has been degraded, and even heavily defended to be turned to

http://games.qq.com/images/tvgame/2008/03/31/zy/s/010.jpg Kelly Overton. A blonde, blue eyed representative of both black attributes, capoeira which was fighting disguised as dance to trick slave owners, white slave owners, and the racial beauty diaspora that is basically a female sister that lives in the islands.

To which arguments include. "She's pretty light in the first place bro"

"Whats the big deal? Christie Monteiro just looks like a white girl with a tan anyways."
"she looks good, add some touch ups and you have Christie"

Now first of all. First..... Of all.
http://www.sha.tc/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/1930-lynching.jpg White people could always find the distinction of even the slightest trace of features to know to hang you, and it is no argument for back then, and most especially with racial awareness or -supposed- awareness now. These same features, and complexion arguments seem to be, if anything a very light coat of euthanizing any "sting" from what the -Man- let alone his, -audience- wants. And that to be bothhttp://www.fightersgeneration.com/characters/craig-marduk1.jpg Craig Marduk a vale tudo character, likely inspired from yet again another ripped off creation of Virtua Fighter in this case being

http://www.godheval.net/images/vanessa-lewis.jpg Vanessa Lewis. Who you can clearly see I've gone over with the skin lightening, and so on on a former article, (who on a side note, who's spandex was "censored" while Sarah's more tight fitting spandex was never touched, likely because it showed the large endowed rear most lovely sisters have) -con't has been relegated to

http://annikarei.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/craig.jpg Nathan Jones, a white wrestler to portray yet another member of a maximum of only four characters in a game that has had over 60 characters in its roster.

Now back to a point.

http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj75/britneyshylena/persia1.jpg Ask any of these women.
Men, http://blogs.nerve.com/scanner/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/prince.jpghttp://gallicwars.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/bizzy-bone-2009-01-12-300x300.jpg
Hell Even Me.

And they'll all tell you, they're black, their parents, or who likely raised and accepted them were black, and who they went to school with, and got along with, fights and friendships, love and hate with, and it'll be black. That's culture, but that's race first.

All of these individuals, are "lighter" than Christie, than probably the racist ignorant who thinks Craig Marduk shown as Nathan Jones is "Light" or looks "white". The fact is, in 1920, we'd all be hunted, worked, deprived, raped or ravaged given are skin, and that's what black was, "was" meaning what we were labeled as to separate the two. From who could be treated fairly, or had his penis chopped off and stuck in their mouth, or raped and beaten.

Yet we can't get, a simple no name actor like all those just cast, to play our own minuscule kind in a game that markets to white people? Caucasoids?

I wish I didn't live a racist house, in a racist town, in a racist state right now, but unfortunately only I can document these things. TO those small stars out there who are black, who are me, do know I'd love to find you. Whoever you are. This is more treachery, that has me to young to be sounding like I'm prophesying.

This was our culture, our caporeira, stamped onto the faces of white culture again. Its eminem, its our dance, its us.



Unknown said...

Christie Monteiro is supposedly the granddaughter of a Korean-Brazilian Capoeira Master, Ho Chi Myong : http://www.tekkenpedia.com/wiki/Ho_Chi_Myong.

Fire and Ice said...

@ truth

You're ignorant. I don't understand why you don't see the problem in casting a white actress in a black role. When's the last time you saw a black Queen Elizabeth in a role? Even in this film, is Nina black? Is Anna? How much of an outrage do you think there would be if that occurred? Furthermore, UNCF scholarships are open to all ethnicities, and if there was an equal representation of races in the media, there would have been no need for BET. White entertainment television is on EVERY CHANNEL. Just take a look at any cast, and you will find it predominantly, if not entirely, white. So please take your ignorance elsewhere, you're making a fool of yourself. This is an issue, and it needs to end. And whites were slaves long before blacks? What history book did you get that from. You're making absolutely no sense.