About Me

Art is the interpretation of an archetype, an archetype is the consumption of properties, properties are the bias of possibilities, possibilities are limited by circumstance. Interpretation is the mirror that follows this rule and I am here to vanquish anything that racially delays such things by swerve of opinion.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Japan's Demographics

It has been cited many times that there are no African diaspora in Japan, as visitor nor contractor, and by debate has been argued there are far more whites simply, if any, living in Japan, assuming this goes for tourists as well - though that would relate to the entire world as that would imply if anything only Euro and their descent visit Japan.

Here are the Ethnic Groups regardless.

Ethnic Groups
: 99.4% Japanese and 0.6% other, mostly Korean (40.4% of non-Japanese), some Chinese and Filipinos. Ainu, Ryukyuans and hisabetsu buraku constitute native Japanese minority groups. Japan is one of the most homogenous countries on the planet, and although there have been many claims (mostly conjecture) about the Japanese being of a mixed background, nothing has been proven.

Given that query, I doubt much could be said by lieu of any homes owned, that, generally exaggerated, are white owned or rented to live there to be "drawn more than blacks". Generally the statement is that there is No African diaspora to ever visit Japan.

I would disagree with the hip-hop and R&B scene there. Save, Crystal Kay is half black.

Many arguments, found on forums, chats, anything else that comes to mind usually turns into some chance war of small percentages.

Nationalities, become the ethnicity while the latter disappears altogether. Which leads me to my next disturbing input.

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